+316 838 305 91 info@ikigaicounseling.com

The Code of ethics of Ikigai Counseling

This code of Ethics/Professional Code guides how Ikigai Counseling works.
The main rule from which all other rules are derived:

Ikigai counseling always acts in the best interest of the client.

The Ethical Values

From this main rule, the 6 ethical values are derived (A1 – A6). From these 6 ethical values, the detailed professional code is derived (B1-B6). (Where counseling, counselling, counselor stands you can also read coaching, Coaching, coach.)

1. Ethical values the basic conditions for counseling and coaching are: integrity, impartiality and Respect.

A. 1 responsibility : during counseling, Ikigai counseling does everything possible to ensure the safety of the client. Counseling is a form of assistance; exploitation in any form is never allowed. Regardless of the setting or the counseling rate, Ikigai Counseling always operates to the highest ethical standard.

A. 2 anti-discrimination rules: Ikigai Counseling should always be aware of any prejudices and stereotypes and ensure that all employees have an anti-discriminatory attitude . Ikigai counseling considers it important that employees have this attitude both in the role as a counselor and in everyday life.

A. 3 confidentiality: Ikigai Counseling offers confidentiality at the highest possible level, so that the privacy of the clients is respected and Ikigai Counseling thereby builds the trust necessary for counseling.

A. 4 contracts: the terms and conditions under which Ikigai Counseling offers its counseling will be made known to the client in advance. In the event of an interim change, this will be agreed in advance by Ikigai Counseling and with the client.

A. 5 boundaries: during and around the counseling relationship, Ikigai counseling should set clear boundaries and observe them. Ikigai counseling should take into account the effects of overlapping, duplicate, or pre-existing relationships.

A. 6 competence: Ikigai counseling does everything possible to control the quality of its work, improve its own competence and always work within the limits of that competence. Ikigai counseling should make regular use of appropriate supervision and / or InterVision.

The Professional Code

B1 Responsibility:

B. 1.1 the counselor / client relationship is an ethical relationship in which the client comes first. It is important to realize, that counseling does not take place in a social vacuum. Ikigai Counseling is aware of its responsibilities to others.

B. 1.2 Ikigai Counseling is responsible for your (therapeutic) decisions in working with clients.

B. 1. 3 responsibility for the client.

B. 1.3. 1 Ikigai Counseling should take all possible measures to ensure that its clients do not suffer any physical or psychological damage during the sessions.

B. 1.3.2 Ikigai Counseling will not exploit clients in any way. Neither financially, nor sexually, nor emotionally nor in any other way. Ikigai counseling prohibits its employees from engaging in sexual activity or engaging in sexual activity with a client.

B. 1.3.3 Ikigai Counselingd ensures absolute privacy during the counseling sessions. The sessions are not listened to, observed or recorded without the express consent of the client, after he has been informed in advance about the possible consequences of this. Ikigai counseling should also ensure that the sessions are not interrupted.

B. 1. 3.4 in counseling, the balance of power is unequal. Ikigai Counseling always uses this inequality to help the client. Abuse of power is never allowed.

B. 1.3. 5 Ikigai Counseling does not normally act for its clients. If Ikigai Counseling does, it will only do so if its client explicitly requests it or in exceptional cases.

B. 1. 3.6 when Ikigai counsels, they do not normally give advice. She gives at most non-committal advice. The client always has the freedom to comply or not.

B. 1.3.7 Ikigai counseling has the responsibility to check with the client at the beginning of the counseling relationship whether the client is also in other therapeutic or assistance relationships, and it should consider whether counseling is appropriate. Ikigai Counseling must always have the prior written consent of the client before giving any feedback to other professional helpers.

B. 1.3.8 Ikigai Counseling completes the relationship together with the client if it turns out that the help the client sought is no longer needed, if it turns out that counseling does not help the client further or if the client wishes to end the relationship.

B. 1.3.9 external situations may cause the relationship to be broken earlier than desired. Ikigai counseling must ensure in advance that in such a case the acute needs of the client can be met. Even if the relationship is suddenly broken.

B. 1.3.10 Ikigai counseling shall prepare clients appropriately for scheduled interruptions. Ikigai counseling should do everything necessary to ensure the well-being of the clients during the interruption.

B. 1. 4 responsibilities to other Counselors. B. 1.4.1 Ikigai Counseling shall not behave in such a way as to undermine public trust in counseling, or the trust in certain counselors.

B. 1. 4.2 If Ikigai counseling suspects that a fellow counselor is acting contrary to the ethical codes, and that it has not been resolved or mediated after consultation with the relevant counselor, Ikigai Counseling should initiate the complaints procedure of his / her professional organization. It is important that Ikigai counseling pay attention to matters such as confidentiality and never disclose more than is necessary for the investigation of the complaint.

B. 1. 4.3 If Ikigai Counseling is right on its side, but is not right by the disciplinary board, it can consider complaints to other bodies.

B. 1. 5 responsibilities to colleagues and others.

B. 1.5.1 Ikigai Counseling is to some extent responsible for its services to colleagues, employers and the paying agencies. At the same time, it must respect the privacy, needs, autonomy and the agreed confidentiality of its clients.

B. 1.5.2 Ikigai Counseling will never appear to offer a service when it does not, as it could discourage a client from seeking further.

B. 1.5.3 Ikigai Counseling should play an important role in exploring and resolving potential conflicts or conflicts of interest between itself and its employees, employers or institutions, for which it does its work. In particular, if there are cases that violate the code of ethics or otherwise negatively affect counseling.

B. 1. 6 responsibility and the (national) laws. B. 1.6.1 Ikigai counseling should know the laws of the country in which it operates. (Just like any other resident.) Ikigai Counseling should be aware of the effect of those laws on its practice.

B. 1. 6.2 counselors who conduct research may only do so in accordance with the BACP guidelines and the (Dutch) law. (Zie BACP Information Guide 4 “Ethical Guidelines for Monitoring, Evaluation and Research in Counseling”).

B. 1. 6.3 it is possible that Ikigai Counseling sometimes has to comply with opposing ethical principles. For example, you can think of issues related to: the individual client, the secrecy of information and the public interest. In such cases, it is recommended to carefully examine the specific case and discuss it with her supervisor, InterVision group or experienced colleagues. Even after careful deliberation, deliberation and weighing, Ikigai Counseling may not be able to resolve some ethical dilemmas (to their full satisfaction).

B. 2 anti-discrimination rules.

B. 2.1 Ikigai counseling works with its clients in such a way that it respects both the human community and the uniqueness of the individual. Ikigai counseling should be sensitive to the cultural context and worldview of its client. For example, whether the individual, the family, the community is central.

B. 2.2 Ikigai counseling has a responsibility to work with its clients in a respectful manner and encourage them to make decisions independently within their own beliefs, norms, values and context.

B. 2.3 Ikigai counseling should discuss possible language, cultural differences or other issues with its client at an early stage. Ikigai Counseling may consider using an interpreter.

B. 2.4 Ikigai counseling should examine its own possible prejudices and stereotypical behavior. In particular, how that affects the counseling relationship and how that affects her responses to the client.

B. 2. 5 Ikigai Counseling will therefore not discriminate on age, color, culture, disability, ethnic group, lineage, gender, race, religion, sexual preference, marital status, socioeconomic status, unusual ideas, way of life etc.

B 2.5.1 a certain proportion of its clients will assist Ikigai Counseling for a lower amount or pro deo. So that even people who do not have money for the service of Ikigai Counseling can use.

B. 3 Confidentiality.

B. 3.1 confidentiality is a way to create a secure private environment for the client and to protect the client's autonomy. Therefore, limiting confidentiality will often decrease the effectiveness of counseling.

B. 3.2 the Ikigai Counseling contract states the level of confidentiality and the possible limits. This agreement can be revised by negotiation between the client and the counselor. Confidentiality agreements continue to exist after the death of the client or counselor, unless there are decisive legal or ethical considerations to break them.

B. 3. 3 The Setting.

B. 3.3. 1 Ikigai counseling should inform its client of any confidentiality restrictions that may arise within a setting, such as working in a multidisciplinary team or for an organization / institution to which Ikigai Counseling should report under certain circumstances. These restrictions should be clearly stated in the contract.

B. 3.3.2 under certain circumstances, there are specific confidentiality restrictions. If Ikigai counseling works in such a setting, it should be aware of the effect it has on its work as a counselor. Ikigai Counseling can decide whether or not to work in that setting. Too little confidentiality can make counseling a lot less effective or even meaningless.

B. 3. 4 Special Circumstances.

B. 3. 4.1 special circumstances may arise if Ikigai counseling has good reason to believe that danger may arise for the client or other people. In such cases, Ikigai Counseling should, if possible, discuss with its client whether the confidentiality agreement can possibly be changed. The decision to break confidentiality will be discussed with supervisor, InterVision group or an experienced colleague.

B. 3.4.2 with any disclosure of confidential information, Ikigai Counseling shall proceed with the utmost care and shall never disclose more than is strictly necessary. In the ethical consideration, it should serve as much as possible the interests of its client and the responsibilities towards the community.

B. 3. 4.3 Counselors have different thoughts about whether or not to break the secrecy. It involves things like potential self-harm, suicide, harming others. Ikigai counseling should determine its position on this and make this known before it starts counseling.

B. 3. 5 dealing with confidentiality.

B. 3. 5. 1. Ikigai counseling must keep the identity of its clients separate from any files.

B. 3. 5.2 in advance, Ikigai counseling must take clear measures for the safe destruction of any files, especially in the event that Ikigai Counseling is suddenly unable to do so or dies.

B. 3.5.3 Ikigai counseling must ensure that confidential information can never be obtained through overlapping networks of (confidential) relationships.

B. 3. 5.4 If Ikigai Counseling uses confidential material for case studies, reports and publications, it must have written permission from its client for this and its client's identity must always be effectively concealed.

B. 3. 5.5 any discussion about the work as a counselor with your colleagues or others should be purposeful and not trivializing.

B. 3.5.6 Ikigai Counseling should take great care to protect the identity of its clients at all times. Also in discussions with colleagues or during her supervision or InterVision meetings.

B. 3. 5.7 the client can only give up his right to privacy of his own free will.

B. 4 Contracts.

B. 4. 1 Advertising and public statements.

B. 4.1. 1 membership of a professional association is not a qualification and therefore should not be used as such. In advertisements, phone books, business cards, letterheads, nameplates, etc. Ikigai Counseling shall limit the information it provides to the name, relevant qualifications, address, telephone number, available Times and a list of available services and rates. Ikigai Counseling will not list professional association membership as being a qualification.

B. 4.1. 2 in oral statements, letters, leaflets, internet sites to the public and potential clients, Ikigai Counseling may not mention membership in a professional organization without a statement that it complies with the Code of ethics of that professional organization and is subject to their complaints procedure or disciplinary law. In addition, Ikigai counseling should ensure that its clients have access to that code of ethics / professional conduct.

B. 4.1.4 in all respects, Ikigai Counseling's advertisements and public statements must be factually accurate.

B. 4.1. 5 Ikigai Counseling should never display information that could be misleading, such as a relationship with an organization in such a way that it appears that that organization is supporting or accrediting it, when it is not.

B. 4. 2 counseling information in advance.

B. 4.2.1 all published material, written and oral information must be consistent with the services provided, the relevant training and the qualifications and experience of the counsellor.

B. 4.2. 2 Counselors should take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the information provided in advance is accurate.

B. 4.3 entering into a contract with clients.

B. 4.3.1 Ikigai Counseling is responsible for entering into a counseling agreement with its clients. These are matters such as: the conditions under which counseling is offered, the availability, the degree of secrecy, payment arrangements, possible cancellations and other important matters. There must be a clear agreement on all such matters before counseling can begin.

B. 4.3. 2 Ikigai Counselig must ensure that the client is counselled of his own free will. Also, Ikigai counseling gives the client the space to change their mind and stop the sessions.

B. 4. 3. 3 Ikigai Counseling should always avoid conflicts of interest. If a possible conflict of interest could arise, or has already arisen, Ikigai counseling should discuss this with supervisor or InterVision group. If appropriate, she should also discuss it with her client.

B. 4.3.4 If Ikigai Counseling keeps an agenda, files or other data of clients, it must inform its clients accordingly. If a client requests it, she is obliged to show his complete file. Ikigai Counseling shall inform its clients of the degree of security of the confidential data and, if applicable, whether others have access to it.